From Basics to Applications of Optical Fibre Links and Frequency Combs
18-22 avr. 2022
école de physique des Houches - Les Houches (France)
The goal of this school is to broadcast among a wide scientific community the possibilities of high precision measurement thanks to the optical fiber transfer of an optical frequency reference, coupled to a frequency comb. The school will gather specialists of time and frequency transfer and potential users from a broad range of disciplines, who can take profit from these achievements for high precision measurements. After 15 years of intense developments within the time and frequency metrology community, at a time when the available tools and methods are ready and sufficiently mature to be spread and shared, this meeting addresses a broad audience of users. The applications concern high-resolution atomic or molecular spectroscopy, fundamental physics and recent developments in geophysical sensing or astrophysical measurements involving long-distance synchronization.
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