Multimodal tropes in contemporary corpora

19-20 mai 2022
Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University - Lyon (France)

The Linguistic Research Center (Centre d'Études Linguistiques – Corpus, Discours et Sociétés) is organizing an international conference on multimodal tropes in contemporary corpora at Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University on May 19, 20 and 21, 2022. Multimodality is a quickly growing discipline (Forceville, 2019) now encompassing the Conceptual Metaphor & Metonymy Theory (CMMT). Modes “include, at least, the following: (1) pictorial signs; (2) written signs; (3) spoken signs; (4) gestures; (5) sounds; (6) music (7) smells; (8) tastes; (9) touch” (Forceville, 2009: 23). Monomodal metaphors have been studied extensively, paving the way for multimodal research, initially based mostly on metaphors, and metonymies. For this conference, other tropes can be investigated such as hyperbole, irony, allegory, oxymoron, etc., as we don't only live by metaphors. Thus, communications should focus on the following topics (among others): the interaction of modes, the interpretation of multimodal tropes, their functions and/or effects and the identification of patterns. Any type of corpora or media is welcome (political discourse, films, comics, logos, music, teaching materials, etc.) as long as the analysis is based on a corpus and focuses on contemporary discourse. All languages can be studied and researchers from various disciplines are invited to submit proposals, which should be sent to Key dates: • October 15th, 2021: deadline for submission of abstracts and keywords (1,500-3,000 characters, spaces included, selected bibliography not included) • Late November 2021: notification of acceptance from the scientific committee • May 19th-21st, 2022: conference
Discipline scientifique :  Linguistique - Psychologie - Art et histoire de l'art - Education - Sciences de l'information et de la communication - Linguistique - Littératures - Héritage culturel et muséologie - Musique, musicologie et arts de la scène

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