MICRO2022, Atlas Edition: Plastic Pollution from MACRO to nano.
14-18 nov. 2022
Online. - Online. (Espagne)
Building upon the stimulating work shared during MICRO 2016, MICRO 2018 and MICRO2020. We are delighted to invite the scientific community and stakeholders to participate in: MICRO2022, Atlas Edition: Plastic Pollution from MACRO to nano. The international conference will take place from 14 – 18 November 2022. Given the current uncertainty about the COVID-19 pandemic for this coming November 2022,our biannual international conference will be substantially online-based. Main topics to be addressed include: Freshwater bodies; pollution from Source to Sink; Marine Ecosystems; From MACRO to nano; Social change and behavior; Human health; Policy. While the accumulation of microplastics in the environment has been reported in the literature since the 1970s, many questions remain open. MICRO 2022 provides an opportunity to share available knowledge, fill in gaps, identify new questions and research needs, and develop commitments to operationalise solutions; MICRO 2022 will be a chance to reconvene, share what we have learned, and generate momentum for the work that remains to be done.
Discipline scientifique :
Chimie - Mathématiques - Physique - Sciences cognitives - Sciences de l'environnement - Sciences du Vivant - Sciences de l'Homme et Société
Lieu de la conférence